
Balcia accident insurance

Don't let fear of 'what if...' hold you back from living boldly! Life's journey is filled with twists and turns, from unexpected slips to collisions. But with Balcia Accident Insurance, you're always prepared for whatever happens. Our comprehensive coverage ensures a seamless recovery process, giving you peace of mind on every adventure. Stay protected with Balcia, whether exploring the great outdoors or navigating urban landscapes, and experience quick, efficient, and wallet-friendly support when needed.

 Balcia accident insurance

All necessary risks are covered

Everyday and amatour sports injuries
Medical expenses after an accident
Death and disability
Hospital stay benefit

Read about insurance

4 min
How to choose the best car insurance?

The policies available on the market for owners of motor vehicles can be divided into voluntary and mandatory. Before you consider how to choose the best car insurance, it is worth briefly presenting the available options, primarily OC and AC

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Insurance Discounts You Didn't Know About - Discover Hidden Savings

The premium for compulsory third party liability insurance varies greatly, as it depends on the algorithm used by a given insurer, which takes into account a number of factors. Buying a policy is possible from a few hundred zlotys per year, but some vehicle owners have to reach much deeper into their wallets, allocating even a few thousand zlotys for this purpose.

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How does car insurance work when traveling abroad?

When planning a trip abroad, it is worth allowing yourself peace and protection. Comprehensive car insurance for holidays is more than just mandatory third party liability insurance. By purchasing additional car insurance, such as AC or Assistance, you protect yourself in the event of various situations:

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Why Balcia is your best choice?

Worldwide coverage, always
Medical expense support for 30 months post-accident
Benefit for hospital stay from the first day of hospitalization
Policy with the fewest exceptions in the market

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