Terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services

This document constitutes the Terms and Conditions as defined in Article 8, paragraph 1, point 1 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services.

In the Terms and Conditions, we specifically define:

  • the services we provide via the Website,
  • how to conclude and terminate an agreement with us for the provision of electronic services and an insurance contract,
  • the technical requirements necessary to use the Website,
  • how to submit a complaint.

The Terms and Conditions are available to you at: https://balcia.pl/en/legal.

The Balcia Online Service, or simply our "Service", is an informational and service portal that facilitates the provision of the services we will indicate below. You can find it at: www.balcia.pl.

We, Balcia Insurance SE, a European company, Branch in Poland, Aleje Jerozolimskie 96, 00-807 Warsaw, Branch of the foreign entrepreneur Balcia Insurance SE, K. Valdemara 63, Riga, LV-1142, Latvia. As a Branch, we are registered in the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division, under KRS number: 0000493693, NIP 108-001-65-34, REGON 147065333. Balcia Insurance SE, based in Riga, is registered in the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia under number 40003159840 and has a fully paid-up share capital of EUR 20,050,200. If you want to contact us, please call: (48) 222 742 222. You can also send us an email at: info@balcia.pl.

You are the User, a natural person using the Service, among others, to obtain information about our products and to conclude an insurance contract with us.

Using the functionalities of the Service is free of charge, except for the necessity to pay the premium if you want to conclude an insurance contract with us.

You bear the costs of data transmission required to launch and use the Service, based on agreements concluded with telecommunications operators or other internet service providers. You also bear full responsibility for the payment for data transmission necessary to use the Service.

Remember that the Service and all materials and information contained therein, as well as the layout of the presented content, logos, graphic elements, and trademarks, are our property and are legally protected. We kindly ask you to respect our property.

The language used in our relations is Polish, and the law applicable to the conclusion and performance of the electronic services agreement and the insurance contract is Polish law.

What services do we provide through the website?

Through the Website, we provide services that enable you to:

  1. conclude insurance contracts (the details of using this service are described below);
  2. access online forms for remote handling of selected requests – these allow you to inform us about the sale or purchase of a vehicle, update your policy information, terminate an insurance contract, and provide other information related to the insurance contract;
  3. access online forms for remote reporting of claims – these allow you to notify us of an incident and submit documents necessary for handling your claim,
  4. access an online form for remote application in the recruitment process conducted by Balcia – this allows you to express your interest in participating in our recruitment processes.

How to conclude and terminate an agreement for the provision of electronic services with us?

We conclude the agreement for the provision of electronic services at the moment you start using the services we provide through the Website, without the need to enter into an additional agreement.

Your use of the Website signifies that you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

You can stop using our services at any time, and the agreement for the provision of electronic services will terminate automatically when you leave the Website, without the need for any additional declarations.

How to conclude and terminate an insurance contract with us?

The Website allows you to conclude an insurance contract online.

To conclude an insurance contract with us, you are required to:

  1. familiarize yourself with the information provided on the Website,
  2. respond to questions asked in the form – this enables us to determine your requirements and needs and present an insurance offer,
  3. review the general insurance conditions (hereinafter: GIC), IPID, and the duty of information, which documents you must download from our Website to be able to refer to them at any time,
  4. provide necessary data in the form, including your mobile phone number and email address,
  5. check the summary and review the offer,
  6. pay the premium.

If, based on the information provided, presenting an offer or concluding an insurance contract proves to be impossible, you will be informed accordingly.

If, based on the information provided, it is possible to conclude an insurance contract and you pay the premium, we will send you the policy as confirmation of the contract concluded with us to the email address you provided in the form.

We conclude the insurance contract provided that you are not subject to financial sanctions or suspected of terrorism. If we discover that you or the Insured are on a sanctions list, we will terminate the insurance contract within 14 days from its conclusion, informing you of this fact. If during the term of the insurance contract it turns out that you or the Insured have been included in a sanctions list, we will take actions required by relevant regulations.

Detailed rules for concluding an insurance contract, including the period for which it may be concluded and the conditions for its performance, including the rights and obligations of the parties, the description of benefits, and the procedure for claiming in connection with an insured event, are defined in the GIC.

You have the right to terminate the insurance contract at any time. The termination date of the insurance contract is considered to be the date indicated in the termination document. If the date indicated in the document is earlier than the date of submitting the termination, the termination date of the insurance contract will be the date of submitting the termination. Terminating the contract does not incur any costs.

Regardless of point 4.1.7 above, you have the right to withdraw from the contract in the manner specified in Article 40 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights.

Please note! The insurance contract is concluded only upon payment of the premium, and its receipt confirms the positive authorization of the payment.

The following forms of payment are available:

  • karty płatnicze: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro,
  • Blik,
  • fast transfer payments (as well as traditional bank transfers).

If a refund is necessary for a transaction made by your payment card, we will refund it to the bank account linked to the payment card used for the payment.

Blue Media S.A. is the entity handling online premium payment services.

What are the technical requirements necessary to use the website?

To properly use the Website, you must:

  1. use the latest version of browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Opera,
  2. enable JavaScript support in your browser,
  3. enable necessary cookies in your browser.

We secure the Website with an SSL certificate (secure socket layer).

We are not responsible for any difficulties or inability to use the Website due to improper functioning of your devices or failure to comply with the technical requirements.

As a User, you are responsible for all costs associated with ensuring the technical conditions necessary for accessing the Website.

Please be aware that there are risks associated with using the Website, such as the potential for third parties to gain access to data transmitted over the network or stored on your computer, which may lead to data loss, alteration, or the inability to use our services. Keep this in mind when using the Website.

What is our responsibility?

We make every effort and conduct technical supervision to ensure the proper and uninterrupted operation of the Website.

In exceptional cases affecting the security or stability of the Website, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend or limit the provision of services without prior notice, and to perform maintenance work aimed at restoring the security and stability of the Website.

We are not liable for interruptions in service due to failures or cases of faulty operation of the Website beyond our control.

Regardless of the above, we reserve the right to cease providing services at any time if such a justified request is made to us by an Internet service provider or other authorized entity.

We are not responsible for damages caused by faulty operation of the transmission system, including hardware failures, delays, and disruptions in the transmission of information.

As a User, you are obligated to comply with the prohibition on misuse of electronic communication means and not to deliver or cause to be delivered through or to our IT systems:

  1. content that disrupts the operation or overloads the Website or other entities directly or indirectly involved in the provision of electronic services,
  2. content that violates applicable laws, infringes on the rights of third parties, violates generally accepted social norms, morals, or good manners, is offensive, or violates anyone's dignity.

We reserve the right to interrupt the provision of services if we find that you have violated the Terms and Conditions or legal regulations.

How to file a complaint?

If you have any objections to the services provided by us, as a User of the Service, you can submit a complaint.

Methods of Submission:

  • Written: By sending a letter to our address at Aleje Jerozolimskie 96, 00-807 Warsaw,
  • Oral: Personally at our headquarters, or by calling us at +48 222 742 222,
  • Electronic: By sending an email to reklamacje@balcia.pl.

Your complaint will be reviewed promptly, but no later than 30 days from the date of its receipt.

In particularly complex cases where it is not possible to resolve the complaint within 30 days, we will inform you of the expected resolution time, which will not exceed 60 days from the date of receiving the complaint. We will explain the reason for the delay and specify the circumstances that need to be clarified to resolve the matter. We will notify you of this in writing via registered mail or email sent to the address provided in the complaint.

A response to the complaint will be provided in writing, unless you request it to be delivered via electronic mail.

If you are a consumer and do not agree with our response, you can request that the matter be reviewed by the Financial Ombudsman (www.rf.gov.pl). You can also seek assistance from the relevant District (Municipal) Consumer Advocate.

In disputes arising from contracts concluded online, you have the right to use an out-of-court dispute resolution method through the European platform available at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013. Our email address for complaints is reklamacje@balcia.pl.

You, as the insured or the beneficiary under an insurance contract, may also file a lawsuit against us in a common court. The lawsuit can be filed according to the general jurisdiction rules or before the court having jurisdiction over your place of residence or our registered office.

An heir of the insured person or an heir entitled under the insurance agreement may also bring an action against us. The action may be brought under the general jurisdiction rules or before a court having jurisdiction over the heir's place of residence or our registered office: the insured person's heir or the heir entitled under the insurance agreement.

Final provisions

We reserve the right to change the Regulations. Your use of the Service and services after changes to the Regulations implies acceptance of them.

Matters not regulated by the Regulations are governed by the provisions of the generally applicable Polish law.

The Regulations are effective from 09.05.2024 r.